Feature Flags, Toggles & A/B Testing

Everything you need for turbocharging your modern product development

Android Client SDK

import Tabs from “@theme/Tabs”; import TabItem from “@theme/TabItem”;

The Statsig Android SDK is written in Kotlin, but can be used by Android Apps written in either Java OR Kotlin. The SDK is open source and hosted on github.

Getting Started

In build.gradle include the statsig dependency, directly from the github source (via jitpack).

In your root build.gradle, at the end of repositories, add:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then, add the dependency:

implementation 'com.github.statsig-io:android-sdk:v2.0.0'

Finally, run a gradle sync so Intellij/Android Studio recognizes the Statsig library.

For more information on including a jitpack library as a dependency, see https://jitpack.io/


  1. Initialize the SDK. Statsig is a singleton class which you can initialize with Statsig.initialize().
  2. Check gates, get dynamic configs, or log events
import com.statsig.androidsdk.*;


Application app = getApplication();
CompletableFuture future = Statsig.initializeAsync(app, "<CLIENT_SDK_KEY>");


private Object onStatsigReady(Object empty) {
    // use your gates and feature configs now!
    DynamicConfig androidConfig = Statsig.getConfig("android_config");
    String title = androidConfig.getValue("title", "Fallback Title");

    String usingGate = "false";
    if (Statsig.checkGate("my_gk1")) {
        usingGate = "true";

    Statsig.logEvent("test_event", 10.0);
import com.statsig.androidsdk.*


val callback = object : StatsigCallback {
    override fun onStatsigReady() {
        // check gates/configs and log events


Using Gates/Configs

Using Feature Gates:

if (Statsig.checkGate("feature_on")) { // returns false by default, else, returns the gate value for the initialized user
    // feature on
} else {
    // feature off - show fallback/default
if (Statsig.checkGate("feature_on")) { // returns false by default, else, returns the gate value for the initialized user
    // feature on
} else {
    // feature off - show fallback/default

Using Dynamic Configs:

DynamicConfig pricingInfo = Statsig.getConfig("pricing_info");
String priceStr = pricingInfo.getString("price_string", "$7.99");
Double percentDiscount = pricingInfo.getDouble("percent_discount", 10.0);
this.showPrice(priceStr, discount);
val pricingInfo : DynamicConfig = Statsig.getConfig("pricing_info")
this.showPrice(pricingInfo.getString("price_string", "$7.99"), pricingInfo.getDouble("percent_discount", 10.0))

Event Logging

Event logging will reflect in the statsig dashboard, where you can aggregate events by their values. Events are also used to power Pulse and understand the results of A/B tests

Statsig.logEvent("event_name", <VALUE>, <METADATA>);
Statsig.logEvent("event_name", <VALUE>, <METADATA>)